Passion Week: Good Friday

by Carri Drake
Good Friday? Why do we call it good? What is good about the death of Jesus? On this day Jesus was arrested, tried, beaten, and then crucified. He was mocked, spit at, pierced with a crown of thorns, whipped, and shamefully walked carrying his own cross. How can we celebrate this today on Good Friday? We celebrate by mourning. We mourn, by walking through lament.
What is Lament? Lament is a prayer expressing sorrow, pain, or even confusion. Lament is a powerful way we as believers can process grief in God's presence. Waking through lament is crying out to God and knowing that we will be heard. Petition your thoughts to God, ask your questions and then trust in Him.
I encourage you today to lament the death of Jesus. I invite you to come near to Christ in his suffering and to lament with him, not to him. Remembering he chose this path. He chose to be tried, convicted, beaten, and crucified for us;, for our sins! What love and compassion he has for us!. As you take time to focus on Jesus’s death today. I want to share with you Jesus' last words uttered as he hung on the cross.
What is Lament? Lament is a prayer expressing sorrow, pain, or even confusion. Lament is a powerful way we as believers can process grief in God's presence. Waking through lament is crying out to God and knowing that we will be heard. Petition your thoughts to God, ask your questions and then trust in Him.
I encourage you today to lament the death of Jesus. I invite you to come near to Christ in his suffering and to lament with him, not to him. Remembering he chose this path. He chose to be tried, convicted, beaten, and crucified for us;, for our sins! What love and compassion he has for us!. As you take time to focus on Jesus’s death today. I want to share with you Jesus' last words uttered as he hung on the cross.
“Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”
(Luke 23:34)
“ I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise”.
(Luke 23:43)
“Dear woman, here is your son, here is your mother.”
(John 19:26)
“My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?”
(Mark 15:34)
“I am thirsty.”
(John 19:28)
“It is finished.”
(John 19:30)
“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”
(Luke 23:46)
These words above are shared with us in a wonderful song by Andrew Peterson called Last Words (Tenebrae). Listen to it and, meditate on these words. Remember what Jesus did for us and look forward to celebrating what comes on Sunday!
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