Send Off Sunday

Northstar is a sending church.
We are blessed to be able to minister to a wide demographic of people – from college students to families to internationals. Each year, many in our church fellowship prepare to move from Blacksburg through graduations, job transfers, or other life transitions.
If you’re a regular attender or member at Northstar and know that you’ll be graduating and/or leaving before August, we’d like to “send you off” well.
May 7 will be Send Off Sunday, and we hope you’ll be able to celebrate with us. If you are leaving this year, let us know by filling out this form. We want to recognize you as a way of encouragement to continue being the church as you transition. On that Sunday, we will invite all this who will be leaving us this year to the front of the auditorium for a time of recognition, “sending off” and prayer!
If you’re a regular attender or member at Northstar and know that you’ll be graduating and/or leaving before August, we’d like to “send you off” well.
May 7 will be Send Off Sunday, and we hope you’ll be able to celebrate with us. If you are leaving this year, let us know by filling out this form. We want to recognize you as a way of encouragement to continue being the church as you transition. On that Sunday, we will invite all this who will be leaving us this year to the front of the auditorium for a time of recognition, “sending off” and prayer!
At a glance:
- Sunday, May 7 during our morning worship services
- If you’re leaving Blacksburg this year, please fill out this form.
- If you're NOT leaving but know someone at Northstar who is, please encourage them to let us know!
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