Job 4-7: Eliphaz & Job
This week’s message explored the first response Job receives in his suffering. Eliphaz, the most diplomatic of Job’s friends, speaks with wisdom but misapplies truth, assuming Job’s suffering must be the result of his sin. This reflects a faulty worldview—one that equates hardship with punishment and prosperity with righteousness. However, Job challenges this thinking, expressing his anguish honestly before God while refusing to curse Him.
Through this passage, we’re reminded that suffering is not always a direct consequence of sin, and that God’s justice operates beyond our understanding. Like Job, we may struggle with the “why” of suffering, but our hope is found in the One who truly suffered innocently—Jesus Christ. As we seek to comfort others, may we do so with compassion and truth, pointing them to the Redeemer who took our punishment on the cross and offers us life.